ATP F7078 Ford 1 Wire Alternator Conversion Kit by Transpo
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- Durable Heavy Duty Voltage Regulator conversion kit for long life
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- F7078 is a small voltage and useful conversion kit that eliminates and simplify your alternators wires going to the alternator
- Used with standard Ford 1G Series 45-65 Amps
- Used with External Regulator / External Fan Alternators
- 12 Volt, B-Circuit, 14.2 Vset
- Well Built kit eliminate all messy wire and boxes
- Install on the back of the alternator
- 3:1-wire hook-up
Adjustable Voltage dial
- Stator excited
- Low stand by Drain

- NOTE 1: For Use With Later Design "Phase Connection" STA Terminals
- NOTE 2: If Used On Older "Y-Neutral" STA Terminals, Connect Yellow Directly To One Of The Stator/Rectifier Solder Joints
- NOTE 3: Wires:
- YELLOW - Stator,
- GREEN - Field, RED - B+
- BLACK - Ground
- ORANGE - optional Indicator Light
- 12 months replacement warranty by Advance Truck Parts
American Motors (1976-1978)
Ford (1969-1985)
Lincoln (1972-1978)
Mercury (1972-1985)

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